African History

African History is a new departmental strength. We have the capacity to advise students in the histories of east, west, and southern Africa, and have specific expertise in the following areas of historical investigation: gender and colonialism; ethnicity and nation; education and religion; the British empire; masculinity; slavery and the Atlantic world; decolonization and the transfer of power; the postcolonial nation state; and culture and society in the Cold War era.

We offer supporting fields in the histories of the Atlantic World, North Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian Ocean World. The Africanist faculty in the department is committed to graduate interdisciplinary training that can include social and cultural anthropology, African and African American Studies, International and Area Studies, Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies, Law, and the history of medicine. The doctoral program also features opportunities for African language training and pre-dissertation research in Africa.

Core Faculty

Jean Allman
Monique Bedasse
Timothy Parsons
Nancy Reynolds